It’s not what you think! by Varda Nisar

There are certain perceptions that exist in the minds of people, and no matter what you do, their effect never dwindles until they take the form of “stereotypes”.

It is this kind of a perception that is also being associated with public universities. Therefore as a student of one such institution I feel it my duty to speak up in order to clear the general view.

I got this chance recently when around 25 students — myself included — were selected for a certain programme on whether the quality of education here was good enough to guarantee a nice job post graduation. The programme was also attended by a group of forced to tag along best friends who with the other curious audience members made up the “eager and determined youth” supposed to share their opinions on the topic of discussion. So began the recording but just a few minutes of hearing the exchange of comments left me shocked and appalled.

The reason for this was the mindset of our youth that was fast revealing itself in front of the cameras. There seemed to be a general trend of thinking that public universities were a lost cause with absolutely no hope, that the teachers there lacked  interest in their respective subjects and that they pressurised the teachers into copy/pasting, also that the universities were failing to provide them with the resources while practical education was simply non-existent. In other words they were just seen as places where cheating was rampant besides the several other problems thought to be synonymous with public universities. Continue reading

Egypt – Is rejoicing really in order?

I had followed the events of the last one month with a keen interest – first the overthrow of Ben-Ali in Tunisia and then the “Egyptian Revolution”.

I remember reading a status on FB which read “what unfolds …is not just an egyptian revolution….but an Arabian one” and I really thought that this was to become a reality soon enough. And there were signs to believe this!

Protest started in Yemen, Algeria and Bahrian, while many others have been organized as people brace themselves to initiate the process of “change”.

Egyptian Revolution - Real Change or not?

I watched the speech of the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and waited for news of his resignation to come – a deja vu of the time when President Musharraf announced his resignation in 2008.

What could only be labeled as bad advice by his ad visors, he refused to resign, only to stumble under the immense pressure that gathered after his speech, and finally giving in.

Reports came in of how people were relieved and celebrations were taking place in the Tahrir Square as people danced and celebrated freedom from a one man show of almost 30 years. Continue reading

How Sex and the city destroyed my life!

Teaser poster for 2008 film, Sex and the City:...

Image via Wikipedia

Now the title may be a slight exaggeration, but still, let me run this theory by you and then you can let me know if I am making sense or not!

This observation was made by a friend of mine, but it has taken me a while to except it. But here are some pointers that I now present to you to point out how “Sex and the City” has ruined my life!

“Come what may, we would always be friends!” Bad Bad Idea! That only happens in the show! Once your girl friends have their men, they would disappear faster than the latest baggy jeans fashion!

As soon as they are married, their priorities change.. don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I don’t understand that your whole life has changed, but to ditch your friends, and all of a sudden being completely unavailable at all, just doesn’t make sense.

I guess that only happens in the drama ha.. where you can take out time for each other every Saturday (or was it sunday) morning for lunch! *SIGH*

And let me break another myth people! Mr. Big! Continue reading

I need a break …

…For as long as I can remember, I have hated the idea of fitting into a routine. The same daily life, the same waking up in the morning, going to work or university and then back home and diving into more assignments, only to go to bed and start the thing all over again!

I always promised myself that I would not let myself get sucked into such an existence, but alas! That was not to be! And therefore this sunday, me and a few of my friends with a similar point of view headed out for fun and a much-needed break!

This break took place at a place called “Sunheri Beach” and people it was a sight worth watching. I loved it! IT was beautiful and pretty and had boats and water, and as long as a place has boats and water, believe me, it is going to work for me! Throw in seafood, and I am water in your hand!


Sunhera Beach... Boats and water, all I need for a good life!

The day was great, it was the perfect light, with perfect moods and lots of laughs and nice food, and some wonderful great friends.

These sorts of breaks are a must for me. I mean I need a change every now and then or otherwise I just can’t seem to get things together.

Anyways looking forward to more of such trips! Thanks friends! Love you all!

More pics below!


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