The Youth Parliament: Reviews on the First Impression!

Let me break the news people, although I have my doubts how many of you out there are actually reading it. But I have been selected as an MPA for Sindh Assembly for the Youth Parliament! And I have to tell you it was simply exciting.

I have always had an interest in Politics… I mean I come from a family in which for the longest of time we only had one picture in our house, and that too of Karl Marx. So I guess my political views are clear to you all now.

We went for the first ever session of the Youth Parliament completely unaware as to what was to be expected out of the whole program and what was to be expected out of us. Once there for the program on the 23rd of April 2011, due to began at 10:00 am and delayed for at least an hour, things started to look to me just as blurry as the state of our country at the moment.

The First Ever meeting of the Youth Parliament, Sindh Assembly

The itinerary for the day consisted of Elections, Oath taking ceremony, Cabinet Selection and Oath Taking and lunch! We had absolutely no idea about the elections or how the parties were to be formed, but it turned out that the campaign session for the election was in full swing all over Facebook to which I was completely oblivious. But i guess we are the youth who are all ready to bring a revolution about through the internet!  Continue reading